Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Rose Sargent
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi
Photo by Roberto Ridi

Like the deck of a shipwrecked­­­­­­­, the Belvedere of the Omo, located at the end of the hamlet of Cotone, overlooks the Gulf of Marciana Marina exposed to the north wind of Tramontana. A vast flat area abandoned to itself is a spontaneous garden of fragrant herbs that feed on salt such as umbrelliferae, passasacchi, field or marine fennel and helichrysum.

Come il ponte di una nave naufragata è il Belvedere dell’Omo che, situato alla fine del borgo del Cotone, si affaccia sul golfo di Marciana Marina esposto al vento di Tramontana. Vasta area pianeggiante abbandonata a se stessa è giardino spontaneo di erbe profumate che si nutrono di sale come le umbrellifere, i passasacchi, i finocchi di campo o marini e l’elicriso.


Curator/Curatrice Valentina Anselmi

Photos by Roberto Ridi and Rose Sargent

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